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Candace Owens Cancelled from the DailyWire

Candace Owens was just CANCELLED by her employer; a News rag founded by silly men who want fame but have no real talent. So they started Daily Wire+ and got into Gonzo-Journalism. A a quasi-journalistic space where you can use our shared reality as a foundation for monetizable content.

Daily Wire teaches their viewers that Black Americans should be mocked and ignored, because we "overuse" claims of racism. But Daily Wire's Ben Shapiro argues with a straight face that almost EVERYTHING is anti-semitism - except the immoral actions of the Israel government, pretending to act for all Jews. These days, Benocide Shapiro is openly arguing that Israel has a unique moral right to commit Genocide. To critique the mass killing of civilians is ... you guessed it ... anti-semitism.

How emotional. How irrational, and identity-driven. These clowns are hilarious.

Daily Wire, the News & Media website that prides itself on "facts over feelings", regularly invents social strife for content. The media company manipulates language to meet their subscribers' demands to feel superior and perpetually offended.

On the backend, Daily Wire sells their subscribers' info, emails (and literally their minds) to other stupid Right Wing companies and to the Republican party. Every time one of these clowns whines about "The Left" - they're just doing Team building; brain numbing indoctrination. It's a proven business model for Daily Wire, a company that boasted over $100 million yearly revenue, in 2022.

The company's owners/celebrities complain that "The Left" injects politics into EVERYTHING ... but their business model injects politics into Shaving & Skincare and even innocent chocolates.

Yes - Daily Wire's entire business model rests on inventing divisive, journalist-lite content to organize and monetize their subscriber base. Stoking confusion and anger around issues of identity to sustain a group of entitled, confused, fearful men across our country. Race Hustlers and Gender Grifters.

Daily Wire does all of this, and more, while carrying an air of moral value and intelligence by signing Jordan Peterson on to perform scholarly drag, alongside a roster of unimpressive "commentators" and goofy hacks.

I'm glad Candace Owens got up outta there.


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