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Uh Oh! PragerU Makes News and History Content for Children?

This is a quasi-popular internet clown of the moment, Xaviaer DuRousseau. Prager University pays this person to be a Donald Trump Stan. They're also paid to be a bold pro-israel mouthpiece. But most often, this person's role is to poke fun at Black people, Black politics, Black culture, Black families ... for the entertainment of white audiences.

PragerU and "the Rightwing" News media are currently on a push against DEI, as part of a coordinated effort to link the controversial social policy to Democratic Presidential Nominee, Kamala Harris. The point is, of course, to discredit her ... and so here is a fun PragerU video to whip up the whites against a black woman. A caricature.

** Here's how bad it is ... the video they're critiquing is actually from a TV show. The poorly trained black female officer isn't real, but PragerU doesn't care enough about accuracy, journalistic integrity, or honesty. The point is Content, Contrast, Clicks, Cash ... daily, feeding specific political narratives to a thirsty audience.

How is that different from Dr. Samuel Cartwright, of Drapetomania fame?

Prager University is the company that the state of Florida has contracted with to teach American history, by the way.

Time Magazine Prager Kamala Education Propaganda
Time Magazine covers PragerU and Florida schools


The people behind PragerU should not be teaching anyone - especially not children - anything. I hear New Jersey is in talks with Trump University to teach 5th Grade Social Studies. (kidding, but thats pretty much where we're at).

It's the Prager video's focus, for me. It's intentional. The timing is intentional. The propaganda techniques being employed are intentional.

We know that the standard for being below mediocre at their jobs has been set by lots of white men. However, this content creator is happy to INVENT scenarios to highlight black-female inferiority and undermine black-female credibility in whatever spaces they show up.

  1. The PragerU story is entirely invented. Detached from reality.

  2. The PragerU narrative is politically and ideologically driven.

  3. This News and cultural commentary product has zero Journalistic value.

Whatever this is, it certainly isn't Journalism. Billy Rates It: 0/10.

PragerU is a vanity propaganda product that identitifies as a University. Why and what is "Prager University" teaching children in Florida?


** 8//23 - Update... seems Prageru pulled their video down from Facebook. By the time I downloaded it, the scam content had been shared 470 times.


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